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Flat Bench

To use the Flat Bench, pull the lever under the seat to adjust angle of backrest

Shoulder Press

To use a shoulder press machine, sit down, adjust the settings, hold the handles, and push them upward to work your shoulder muscles.

Pectoral Fly/ Rear Deltoid

To use a pectoral fly/rear deltoid machine, sit down, adjust the handles, hold them with your hands, and either bring them together in front of your chest or push them back to work your chest or rear shoulder muscles.

Rower Machine

To use a row machine, sit down, secure your feet, and pull the handle towards your chest while pushing back with your legs, engaging your entire body for an effective workout.

Duel Adjustable Pulley

To use a dual adjustable pulley, stand in the middle, select the weight, grab the handles, and adjust the pulleys to perform various exercises, making it easy to customize your strength training for different muscles.

Decline Chest Press

To use a decline chest press machine, sit down, adjust the settings, hold the handles, and push them away from your body to work your chest muscles.


To use a cable machine, adjust the weight, grab the handle or attachment, and pull or push the cable to exercise different muscles.

Incline Press

To use an incline press machine, sit down, adjust the settings, grab the handles, and push them away from your body to work your chest muscles.

Flat Press

To use a flat press machine, sit down, adjust the settings, grab the handles, and push them away from your body to work your chest muscles.

Chest Press

To use a chest press machine, sit down, adjust the weight, place your hands on the handles, and push forward while extending your arms, targeting your chest muscles for a controlled and effective strength training workout.

Cable Crossover

To use a cable crossover machine, stand in the center, adjust the handles to desired height, grab the handles, and pull them towards the center of your body, engaging multiple muscle groups for a full-body workout.

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